What is the Core Protocol?

TradeFlows is a DeFi primitive that enables on-chain commerce

The Core protocol is a smart contract infrastructure built on StarkNet that brings structure and transparency to a commercial relationship between multiple parties.

In later iterations, TradeFlows will offer a UI framework that will simplify the development of custom commercial experiences for various industries. We will also offer a WebAPI infrastructure enabling web2 developers to engage with our services through traditional Https protocols. At this stage though, TradeFlows is a web3 native protocol on StarkNet.

Our protocol is the on-chain primitive for commercial workflows that require:

  • Asset / Trade / Termsheet description and ownership tracking. Assets are minted into ERC721 tokens (NFTs)

  • Composable Assets / NFTs. Assets that are composed by sub assets (NFTs) and the group is still an NFT.

  • On-chain functionality to cryptographically sign the agreement to an asset's terms

  • On-chain programmable streaming or bullet payments with instant settlement

  • Automatic collateralisation / partial-collateralisation of payments through ERC1155 escrows

  • Asset memberships enabling payment splitters as an example

  • High integritiy collaborative ratings between trading counterparts using non-transferable ERC20 tokens which are only given by counterparts during live trading

Why StarkNet?

Our number one focus is on providing a great commercial experience to our community. To achieve this purpose, we must be able to offer stable and low fees with quick responses within a secure network.

StarkNet aims to offer low and stable costs through its state-of-the-art ZK Rollup technology that fully leverages off Ethereums security.

Additonally, in Q4 2022, we began the process of rewriting the smart contracts to also be EVM compliant and completed this in Q1 2023.

The next section discusses the benefits of using TradeFlows.

Last updated