Building & Construction

Homes at risk...

The building and construction industry is rife with transactional inefficiencies which have led to the collapse of various homebuilders globally. Typically, work in this industry is performed on a trust basis where various subcontractors believe that they will get paid in exchange for the work that they do. The subcontractors have no visbility over the availability of funds and even then, time works against them with 30, 60 and 90 day payment terms as the norm.

With TradeFlows, those entering agreements can see that the other side has funds available to make payments through collateralised in escrows. Counterparts can even agree to have payments streamed for optimal liquidity management in certain scenarios. The payer has control to pause payments if they see that work is not being done as expected.

Additionally, each counterparty can rate one another while also being able to see previous ratings before entering new agreements.

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